Sunday, April 29, 2012

I Pray To God That Things Will Be Better

My heart yearns for him. Too damn much. My heart yearns for his soothing voice, his soft touch and his comforting kisses where I feel so alive. But this has to stop. This dream has to face a reality someday. No more tomorrow but today. No more accepting the hurtful remarks and the put-downs and then thought that things could change. For temporary smiles and laughter, for moments of bliss where you just feel like the whole world is in the palm of your hands. No more of that. I want a happiness that last. Even if not forever, but the least fro everyday, a smile to be cherished. I lied in bed, constantly looking at my phone, looking whether he did log into whatsapp or change his status in facebook. Anything that could satisfy my hunger for him. To breathe and feel him again. But he is too caught up in his world. In his head right now, I'm wrong and he's right. It has always been. In his head right now, he will move on, away from me, no matter how difficult because he feels he needed me to learn and that I'm too strong headed to come and talk to him. And I'm teaching him, relationships have options. Which path you choose to deal with a situation is how you will work things out in future, good and bad. And I guess he got too comfortable. With the whole theory stuck in his head, he is not willing to re-write and compromise what is best for us. How you hurt me now, you will get hurt in future. And you will see. You never know you lost something till its gone. And now its gone from your life.

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